Gain faster insights with Incident Reporting Software

Our incident reporting software replaces slow and inefficient manual reporting with a fast, digital and cohesive solution.

Improve employee engagement with easy-to-access reporting tools, and efficiently track and manage all incidents and investigations in one place.

Information at your fingertips. Transform the way you create, prepare and manage your safe systems.

Every module has a reporting dashboard, and with different access levels and the ability to tailor email notifications, you’ll know exactly what needs to be done and by when.

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Simplify incident reporting for quicker insights | VISION

Why You Should Choose Us:

Our Solution

Our incident reporting solution allows you to record essential details on any device, ensuring quick and easy data capture from anywhere.

Collect evidence directly at the scene and upload various file types, such as images and location data, to maintain a thorough and accurate record.

With access to intuitive dashboards and in-depth analytics, you gain full visibility into every stage of the reporting and investigation process.

Instantly assign tasks to team members for necessary corrective actions to ensure swift and effective responses.

Plus, we offer training as needed to ensure your team is always prepared and confident in using the system.

Gain quick insights with VISION’s incident reporting software

Book your 14-day free trial today

Experience the benefits risk-free with this health and safety platform and see how our solutions can transform your safety protocols—no commitment required!

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